Just a small little screen saver application that does shaded blue lines...
I own AfterDark™ and it's a great product, but it seems more and more I find myself going to the Control panel and turning off AfterDark. I don't know, I have this thing against INITs and CDEVs.
So , I'm working on a really cool 256 color game and while I was working on the vector graphics engine I get lost in cartesian space, enter: Vector Plasma. Well I made my blunder into a little (4k) stand alone app just to send to my friend to see the "plasma". A week later I find out he's using it as a screen saver! So, I added a little more , Multifinder Aware, and test for Color QuickDraw, etc.. So enjoy!
You must have a color Macintosh, no SE's, Classic's,Classic II's, etc...
It will work on any size monitor.
It will work on any mac with Color Quickdraw (for best results 8 bit (256 colors)
It will blacken multiple monitors
It will allow background tasks (modem transfers,etc..)
Hey, its free so don't whine!
The author takes absolutely NO responsibility for this software. There is NO warranty!